Eyelash Enhancement-This is a thin black line within the lash line to create the look of fuller lashes!


Starting at $250 

Upper eyeliner/Lower eyeliner - $350 each or $650 for both

Shadow Batwing eyeliner starting at $450

Permanent Eyeliner

Eyeliner Aftercare 

Aftercare instructions

  • Avoid washing treated area for 24 hours

  • Expect slight swelling and la little redness in the immediate area for up to 2 days

  • Apply ice on days 1 and 2 (if needed) to reduce swelling. Every 2 hours for 5 minutes each.

  • Healing takes about 7-10 days and up to 3 weeks on some clients (especially diabetic clients)

  • Ointment/creams are not needed

  • No Mascara or eye makeup until fully healed (once all scabs fall off)

  • If slight crusting appears on pigmented surface, DO NOT force removal by picking or scratching! (You will remove pigment)

  • Eyeliner is not considered healed until all crusting has exfoliated

  • Avoid hot, steamy, long showers

  • The procedure may have some peeling on or around day 4. This is a normal part of the healing process for some clients. DO NOT PICK! Picking can cause scarring or loss of pigment.

  • The application of permanent cosmetics can be a two-step procedure

  • There are no guarantees. Do not judge your procedure as it is healing. A touch-up may be required.

  • Avoid the gym or sweeting for 3-5 days following the procedure

  • Avoid sun exposure for 7-10 days following the procedure

  • Avoid chlorine pools, saunas, and jacuzzis

  • Avoid Retin-A, Glycolic Acids, Aloe, and Vitamin E products

  • If any signs of infection occur, please contact your physician (abnormal swelling, redness, or pain associated with the procedure)

General Healing Expectations

  • The color will appear softer once your eyeliner has fully healed. It is normal to lose approximately 1/3 of the color during the healing process.

  • Please be patient. Complete healing takes at least 30 days

  • During your touch-up appointment (between 6-8 weeks), we can make them thicker if needed and touch up areas that did not take pigment

  • Touch-ups ar enot mandatory or required for every client. Some love their eyeliner after one session (those that are able to retain all the pigment and do not want them thicker)

  • It is possible to loose ALL color. Some skin may reject the pigment (for no reason) but when it is reintroduced in the second session, there will be better retention.