Lip Blushing

Lip blushing is a permanent makeup technique made to enhance lip color, correct lip color, or correct lip shape. It is perfect for those who have light lips or loss of color before the vermillion border. Shaping and coloring the lips can’t make them appear fuller.

Lip neutralization is perfect for those who have dark or cool toned lips that are looking to lighten up or achieve a more pink tone.

Results will last 3-5+ years after achieving desired results.

Multiple touch ups may be needed for lip neutralization.

Starting at $550

Lip Blushing Aftercare 

Timeline for Post-Procedure

Day 1: 30 minutes after the treatment, use After Care Wipes to wipe and clean lips then apply After Care Gell using Q-tip. Repeat every 2 hours.

*Always wipe after eating and apply After Care Gel

Day 2: Wash lips with bottled water (morning and night) and apply After Care Gel. Re-apply get in the middle of the day if needed.

Day 3: until all the scabs fall off: Apply After Care Gell 3 times a day.

DO NOT REMOVE SCABS! Please allow scabs to fall off on its own.

What to expect:

  • Expect swelling and a little redness for a few days

  • Scabbing will start peeling on or around day 4

  • The color will appear softer and lighter once lip blushing is completely healed. It is normal to lose approximately 2/3 of the color during the healing process.

  • During your touch-up appointment (between 6-8 weeks) we can make them darker if needed and touch-up any areas that did not take pigment.

  • It is possible to lose ALL color. Some skin may reject the pigment (for no reason) but when it is reintroduced in the second session, there will be better retention.

  • Any color corrections will need minimum of 3 sessions.

  • There are no guarantees. Do not just your procedure as it is healing. A touch-up may be required.

  • If any outbreak occurs, please call your physician for a prescription of Valtrex 500mg. Take one pill per day for 5 days.

Do’s and Don’ts:

  • Avoid any treatments involving the procedure area for 7-10 days (ex. facials, etc.)

  • Avoid sun exposure, sauna, steam room, and swimming in the ocean or pool for 7-10 days

  • No other ointment/chapsticks/lipstick other than the After Care Gel should be used until all scabs fall off

  • Neosporin or Bacitracin type products should be avoided in the treated area because they may affect color retention

  • Sunbathing and tanning beds should be avoided for 10 days

  • It is recommended to use a straw when drinking for the first 3 days